Wednesday, April 06, 2005


This morning I got busy in the kitchen for a few minutes while the kids watched one of their favorite shows on TV. They are usually glued to the TV in the morning, maybe it helps them ease into the morning and wake up. Well this morning was a little different. We were going to go to a playgroup at the park at 10 so we had to eat breakfast and get dressed to go.

So when I was done in the kitchen I found that they weren't watching TV anymore (it had only been 10 minutes) so I went looking for them. I found them on our bed with 2 markers...marking up the bed sheets, pillowcases, walls and themselves! The markers (purple and brown) was all over the place! Benjamin was saying "Hannah this is a triangle and it's for you. This is a rectangle and that's for me." In the 10 minutes they decided not only to re-decorate the bedroom, but themselves as well! They had drawn all over their faces (like indian-warrior paint) and arms, legs, hand and even the bottoms of their feet! Even though I freaked out...everything came out in the wash!

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