Sunday, January 01, 2006

Happy New Year!!

Last night we went to the Lunas house in Coronado for a few hours. It was drizzling throughout the night and we didn't know if it was going to get any worse. We also didn't know how many people would show for the party. By the time we left it was getting to be a full house. Ben and Hannah dissapeared upstairs with the kids the second we got there and Noah fell asleep so afterwards. We left early and to bring in the new year at home. As we were leaving the kids were saying goodbye to everyone. Hannah didn't want to leave because they were just starting to get a game out (Cranium). I had to tell her that the game was for bigger kids, but that we would bring a game over for them all to play~like Candyland~or something that she could play.

She was brokenhearted!

She crawled up into my arms with sad teary eyes (no cries though) and said "OK". It was so sad, I thought I might cry. She wanted to play with the big kids and understood that the game wasn't for her...poor thing! We came home, she had forgotten all about it and we played Candyland tonight with them.

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