Friday, March 02, 2007

The beach...

We went to the beach today. It has been so rainy and chilly that I thought a trip to the beach and the sand would be perfect. Ben and Hannah have been asking to go for what seems like months.

My brother, Chris lives very close to the beach so we headed to his house. He was home so he joined us with his kite. We bought the kite for him for Christmas and Ben noticed it as soon as we walked into his apartment. Ben helped Chris out every time it crashed to the sand, he uprighted it and into the air it flew.

Hannah got chilly but was warmed up with a ginormous blanket (in relation to her) that we brought. She dug in the sand and tried to catch the kite too.

Noah was not impressed by the sand and thought it would attack him at any moment and so had to be held the entire time...or scream (my choice, I guess).

They made a sand castle but when they started thinking about water for the was time to go home.

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