Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Happy Birthday Marissa!

Tonight we went to Corvette Diner for Marissa's 9th birthday.

"Hey!! Welcome to Corvette's! My name is Dixie, I'm here to help you out tonight. Just holler across the room if you need anything!" (Boy we wanted to holler for her but didn't have the gumption to do it.)
mmmm.....rootbeer floats!

My kids love it there. What an experience! Dixie threw handfuls of straws all over the place, yelled over the loud music so we can hear her and was so nice!! Marissa had a couple of her classmates there for dinner too and they kept going into the photo booth to get pictures of themselves together. Ben and Hannah got in on the action a bit too.

Marissa's goal tonight: to do a face-plant into her cake. So she did!

And this...is the wall of gum outside the restaurant...can you say disgusting? As you pay you are finishing up your meal and paying the bill they throw Bazooka bubble gum all over the table, floor, you and everyone scrambles for their pieces. By the time you leave the restaurant the gum is old...hence the wall...and of course the kids added their pieces to it.

Happy Birthday Marissa! It was a grand time!

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