Wednesday, September 20, 2006

The box...

The other day was hot...not hot with humid but just plain hot out. I turned the sprinkler on in the back yard in hopes that the kids would be able to cool off. Usually when the sprinklers go on the kids run crazy wild in them and get all excited about the activity. This day was different.

Corey's mom gave the kids a giant box to play with in the back yard (to make a fort or just roll around in...or whatever). Ben and Hannah got in the box and decided to run inside it through the sprinklers - the bottom was open - back and forth, back and forth in the sprinklers. At some point Hannah decided that she didn't want to get wet and Ben disappeared in the box...under the sprinkler! As I watched closely I saw Ben acting like a hamster in a cage of newspaper strips. Let me clarify...he was stripping the box as it got wet. It was peeling and coming apart so he would peel it and shove it outside the box (he was still in the shower from the sprinkler) He would peel and shove or kick the 'shavings' was so funny to watch. All of a sudden he emerged from the box (or what was left of it) soaking wet and satisfied with his mess all over the grass. He discovered the layers of a carboard box and how water can absorb into it and ... well he learned a lot about boxes when they get wet!

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