Sunday, September 24, 2006

Sunday school, again...

Last week, some of you may recall that the kids went to their first class at the church. Well, Ben went to his first class and Hannah accompanied him and took care of him. Well, we went this morning and they just shuffled right into the room without turning back. I wasn't able to see much this morning but I did see that they brought out a Bible. Ben poked his head out of the room and said "Mommy they have a Bible just like we do!!" and then the teacher told him to stay in the room. The next thing I knew the volunteer aide walked in their room and shut the door. So we (all the parents) sat outside the room without an idea of what they were talking about today. The kids assumed that we were all out there, they couldn't come out, they were busy with learning (about what God made) that we could have easily gone to mass without them knowing or realizing that we were gone. We'll try that in a few weeks. So far so good!

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