Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Meet the baby...

In ultrasound!

Our midwife suggested that this time of the pregnancy would be a great time to get an ultrasound IF we wanted to get one. Corey and I discussed it and chose to get one done. Just to make sure that all the parts were in the right spots and that everything looked OK. We went to a private place to have it done and brought the kids. They were so excited to see pictures of the baby. So here he or she is :) The top picture (in 2D) is a side view that you can see the forehead, nose and chin. There is even part of the arm on the far left side. The second picture is a frontal view with a 4D. He only did the 4D for a minute or two to get a couple of pictures and it was fascinating. We opted to not have to whole thing in 4D because of the greater amount of ultrasound exposure but wow, it was cool to see his/her face and watch the movements. The baby slept through the whole thing, in the 4D you can see eyes closed. 

Now we can't wait to meet our little one! It should be just a few more weeks and we will!!


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