Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Snake season...

Snake season has arrived early this year! We have been having lots of HOT weather and not enough rain (which is very bad for San Diego) so that means that snakes are out in full force.

This snake was slithering around on our property and it's the only kind of snake I've seen on our property (thank goodness). Actually, Noah was getting out of the car and almost stepped on it! He was none too pleased to say the least!

According to this site this snake is a Pacific Gopher Snake (or locally called a San Diego Gopher Snake) and is not poisonous but it will bite/attack. We have lots of gophers so he is welcome to stay as long as he wants! He does sound a bit like a rattlesnake when he feels threatened but he's just a wannabe. Since we do live on a larger property than we did when we lived in the city, we are always aware of our surroundings and keeping our ears alert.

He was not very happy with my picture taking so I backed off and let him be...probably better for both of us in the long run! Go eat gophers big snake!

Thanks for stopping by!

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