We are growing lots of stuff in our garden this year. We have beans, peas, snap peas, zucchini, cucumber, radishes, lettuce, broccoli, cauliflower, cantaloupe, delicata squash along with some sunflowers that should grow to be mammoth size! So far that is what we have planted. We still have some other melon types and some pumpkins that we will grow also. We probably won't have enough to get into a pot though because as soon as the kids spot a bean or a pea that is ready to be picked, they pick it and eat it. It looks like we will have to grow more of those so that we can enjoy them more. We will have to see how the other 'crops' do...and for that we are waiting for that nice warm sun to stay out longer than it has.
Today we went to the nursery to find some tape for our trellis (the vines seem to need some help in the beginning to go up the bamboo) and the kids got some squirt bottles. They love to use squirt bottles to water the plants. As we were getting back home Ben said, "Well let's get to the back yard and do some gardening!" We couldn't wait to get our hands in the dirt!