Friday, May 19, 2006

Ice cream...

Tonight was the last Bradley class that I will teach for a while. I have to finish my final exam and turn in all the last of the paperwork before I can teach another class. The kids went with Corey to his Moms house (as they always do on class nights) and they walked to Wendy's. They love the walk along the river and they love Wendy's. They get a cup with the kids meal and after they finish the meal they get ice cream in the cup. What is it with kids and ice cream? They can't finish their dinners but they always have room for it. No threat will make them eat all of their food. We always resort to "take 3 (or 4 or 5) more bites" before we give them their treat. These treats are not every day treats, so they are extra special when we have tonight.

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