Monday, July 03, 2006

Cooling off...

Last week we went to my parents house for a dip in the pool. It just made sense to go for a was only 100.4 degrees farenheit on our patio at 4pm (which is covered, so maybe warmer in full sun?). We swam and played for a long time in the water. It was great fun.

Ben loves to jump in and splash around, he's really getting good at diving down to get the rings. He can even swim the width of their pool! He is one determined boy...of course he sees his cousin Marissa and all her fancy swim work and wants to do the same.

Hannah was great at her swim lessons last year and even started jumping off the side of the pool to Corey or me. But this year she is a bit more timid. She wants to do swim lessons again, but she won't get in the pool with us. I say we sign her up and see what happens...if she doesn't get in... so be it. But if she does then we have success and won't have to go through the whiny "I don't want to go in the pool" session! And...there's always next year.

Noah is so relaxed in the pool. He lies down on our hands and lets us move him around. He splashes and tries to suck up the water off his fist. He soaks it all in. It continues to amaze me at how different each child is, why can't they all be the same and predictable? Hah. Corey and I were reminiscing about Ben and Hannah in the pool at his age. They would dig their talons into our skin if we moved an inch in the water. They held with a death grip onto my neck (or Corey's chest-the hair...not the chest-ouch!). They screached in pain when anyone would splash them. So glad those days are almost gone.

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