Monday, July 17, 2006

Taking steps!

Noah started to stand from a sitting position on May 31st (7 months old). Since then he has managed to steady his balance very well. Everyone is impressed with his standing abilities. On Friday (July 14th) he took one step! All day Saturday he kept taking one step - always with the same foot - so it looks like he is pivoting around in a circle. Last night (Sunday) he took 6 steps! (he really wanted me to pick him up and was trying to reach me while moaning and willing me to come and get him. I wanted him to walk to me...he won, I picked him up.) Today he practiced more steps, only getting to 6 or 7 though... He's getting more m-m-mobile! Three kids walking and running in the house!! Yikes, that's a bit scary!

Oh and every time I grabbed the video camera or the camera to get a video shot, he would go down and crawl to me. I guess he was thinking that it was a toy for him to play with! So I don't have any video clips of him taking steps yet!!

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