Thursday, January 04, 2007

Potty talk...

It's official, Ben and Hannah get the roll-on-the-ground-giggles when they talk about poop, gas, burps and pee. It's a phase that has hit them both at the same time. They roll with laugther and have even begun to talk in "code" about it. I don't really like them talking about poop, farts and the like at the dinner table so they've decided to go with the code. Now they talk about "apple juice" and "fish oil" and drop to their knees in hysterics.

Today we were at the park and we ran into my cousin (hi Claud!) with two of her sons. Ben and Levi are a month apart, they ran off to the swings and really went wild swinging really high. We could hear them talking to (shouting at?) each other, and everyone else around, about gas. And they were laughing about it together. It seems that it is something that they just find funny, nothing that is taught, because I sure didn't teach them these hysterics! I sure wish my kids didn't do this...but a phase is a phase that shouldn't last too long, right? But...I'm so glad that it isn't *just* my kids!

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