Sunday, May 27, 2007


We went to the mountains today. We wanted to get outside and see new things. Being in the city all the time makes us crave the outdoors. The children are getting older and able to walk longer distances so we thought we'd try "Stonewall Peak" in Cuyamaca. Well I remember it very well, Corey was a little fuzzy on the hike, but I was pretty sure that Noah would not make it to the top. He hates his ergo carrier and would rather walk himself or have me carry him on my hip. We always bring it though, so that we can make it off a mountain, or out of a hike in a hurry (with screaming child on back)...if need be.

It was such a beautiful day for a hike, we brought lots of water (Noah still wants a Camelback) and some snacks for all of us. We saw so many huge rocks and beautiful flowers and new growth amongst the burned trees. There were so many people hiking too and everyone was on their way down the mountain. We hiked up quite a bit, Noah couldn't take being on my back anymore and needed to get down. So we stopped and enjoyed our snack spot, snapped a few pictures and then Hannah, Noah and I headed down the mountain while Corey and Ben tried to make it to the top. They almost made it.

According to the kids, the best part about the whole day was lunch. The kids love to eat and the fact that it was a picnic lunch was even better. It doesn't matter that they had the SAME lunch, we were eating it in the car. And that was super awesome.

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