Friday, May 18, 2007


Tonight Noah and I were in bed, I was attempting to nurse him to sleep. Ben came in to find out what we are doing tomorrow. I told him that we were going to a park for a birthday party, that we'd been to the park before and then went on to see if he remembered the park and I described it. Remember? He said no and so I described it a bit more, remember? No, so I told him about the last time we were there...rember? (no, not a typo I have a finger in my mouth) Yes! And Mommy you said 'rember' like we kids say 'remember'. Well, Noah had his fingers in my mouth while I was trying to talk. So then the conversation went a little like this (with fingers in my mouth)

Me (to Ben while chewing on Noah's fingers): Oh...I am so hungry I could eat a ...cow!
Ben: hahaha a COW!!
Me (nursing with Noah sticking fingers in my mouth): Oh I'm eating a little Noah cow!
Ben (to Noah): Noah are you a little cow?
Noah (twisting his head to see Ben while nursing & trying to talk): Mooo

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