Thursday, May 31, 2007

To the ER...

Well we almost had a trip to the ER this morning.....

Lately we have felt more like short-order cooks than ever before. So, we have been teaching Ben and Hannah how to get their own breakfasts. They can pour cereal, milk, put bread in the toaster, put whatever spread they want on it... Today was no different. Ben went in and put his toast in the toaster and waited while it toasted. He was careful when getting the toast out of the toaster (an oven not a pop-up one). He spread his butter on the bread. Everything was good so far. Then he went to cut the bread, but his butter knife wasn't sharp enough. He got a better knife, one from the knife block on the counter. He stacked the bread (to do both slices at the same time, like I do) and started to cut. He likes his bread cut into four squares. He did one side, turned the bread to do the other and that is when he cut into his finger and started to scream.

Corey ran in one direction. I ran in another. Noah and Hannah watched TV, unbothered. Corey said that I should get dressed and ready to go in the car. So I got myself, Noah and Hannah dressed all the way down to brushing their hair & with shoes on in 8 minutes flat. Corey sat with Ben and applied pressure on his finger to try to stop the bleeding. It stopped after 20 minutes of screaming and wailing. I hadn't actually seen the cut until it had stopped bleeding. It is almost an inch in length and is good and deep. I put gauze and tape on it, I made it big and fat so that he wouldn't be able to move it around too much and it kept a little pressure on it, and then changed it a few times after that. He was fine for the rest of the day.

I'm so glad we didn't have to go to the ER today, that wouldn't have been fun (not that this was fun).

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