Sunday, November 05, 2006

Happy Birthday Ben!

Birthday boy!

Ben celebrated his official birthday today. He was so excited, now he can say that he is FIVE! Ben is a spirited boy who keeps us on our toes all day. He loves to tie knots, create one of a kind creations, play games, invent games, pretend play all day, snuggle with us, learn new things, chase his sister around, giggle, laugh, have fun...
It has been such an adventure having him in our lives. For the first few months after his birth and bringing him home from the hospital, we would jokingly say "when are his parents coming to pick him up?" and have since adjusted to having him in our house along with his siblings. He takes us on an adventure every day whether it be a story in the car about how the monsters are following us or a tale about what the rope is doing tied like that in the tree. He is full of stories and we love him for all of them. I couldn't imagine life without him. I love you Ben!
Happy Birthday Ben!

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