Saturday, November 04, 2006


Hannah, Noah and I went to the zoo today. Ben and Daddy went on a bike ride together. We were going shopping for Ben at the zoo store. Hannah wanted to buy him a baby jaguar for his birthday. We had checked at Toys R Us and they didn't have any. So instead of running all around town, we went to the zoo. Hannah is a great secret-keeper. She has been keeping his present idea a secret for several weeks. She wouldn't even tell him where we were going because he would have a clue about his present.

We went in and saw the flamingos and ducks at the entrance (can't go to the zoo without seeing any animals!) and Noah went wild quacking at them and trying to climb into the enclosure with them. We watched them for a long time and then set off for the stores. We found just the right one and went back to watch the flamingos and ducks for a bit more.

Hannah really wanted to tell Ben that we went to the zoo today but she didn't. She hid the bag of gifts in my closet so he won't find them until the morning. We'll wrap them up for him tomorrow and hope that he loves his new baby jaguar.

Hannah bought herself something too (she had some Halloween money) a baby cheetah! So now the baby jaguar and the baby cheetah will play together.

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