Monday, November 06, 2006

Little teachers....

I love how Ben and Hannah are listening to and learning from us about how to teach a baby. Noah is so interested in the world around him and wants to learn about it now. He wants us to read to him, showing him the pictures in the books and pointing to all the details. We talk to him and show him different signs so that he can learn to sign different words. We never did signs with the Ben and Hannah so it is new to all of us and we are kind of doing our own thing with it. Ben and Hannah are interested in the signs too so we've pulled out the sign language book and taught them a few signs too.

So every so often during the day I will hear Ben or Hannah (taking turns teaching) repeating a word or short phrase to Noah in hopes that he will just blurt it out. "Ap-ple, Noah, ap-ple, Noah this is an ap-ple, can you say ap-ple? Ap-ple, ap-ple, ap-ple..." Ben will say. Hannah will do her own version of this with another word such as "up" or "ball" or "truck". Noah has picked up a few words along the way. It is amazing that such little people can be so perceptive and receptive to pick up on a strategy like that. They are born little teachers! It's wonderful.

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