Tuesday, November 21, 2006

New discovery...

I was going through some of the toys on the shelves in the play room this afternoon, to make room for the new toys that Ben and Noah got for their birthdays. The big Christmas season of giving and receiving is coming up too, so we need room for new stuff. I found an unopened box of books with a CD and a tape! The books are about Winnie the Pooh and are perfect for Ben. I think he got this as a gift when he was 2 years old. I think he is finally old enough to read the story along with the tape. So we put the tape into the stereo and started to play one of the stories (there are 3 books). Ben really got into it. Corey went in and asked him (or maybe it was a statement) about what he was doing "Oh, are you reading?" to which Ben replied "Yeah the TV is telling the story!"

So, I do think he is ready for books on tape, they certainly will help in the car for those long drives that we do...once a year!

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