Monday, October 29, 2007


Usually, when we get crafty, we do a project and I am helping them all the way while are learning to use the scissors or how much glue to put down, cutting shapes to make a picture…etc. But today we did it a little bit differently.

I got this idea from Suzanne (who got it from another) and today I let the kids be creative with whatever ‘props’ they had in front of them. I put out a bunch of crafty extras, paper and some egg cartons and let them loose with it. I didn’t know what they’d do and I don’t know that they did either but it was good for them to explore on their own without any guidance and find their inner creator, their inner artist. At first they didn’t know what to do and looked at me for help, I told them that they could do whatever they wanted, however they wanted. I walked away and stayed away but within earshot so I could see that they were still working.
Ben created a bug and Hannah did too. They both came out differently as they used different materials but all in all I think they liked not having me around for this type of activity. And we will do it again, I promise.
Kids at work
Hannah's creations

Ben made a mouse

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