Saturday, September 13, 2008


We invited Marissa to spend the night tonight and everyone was thrilled to death about it. Her first sleepover alone with the kids! Marissa has spent the night but never alone since the kids were born. So Marissa wanted to learn how to knit. Ben grabbed his knitting, Hannah hers and they sat on the couch for a long time knitting together. After a short while Marissa got it and was helping Hannah. I think that was wonderful because she didn't seem frustrated with it like she does when I help her out. Ben was just having fun being with Marissa. Yes they've gone wild and crazy but what else is there to do on a sleepover? They are asleep now...Marissa is in Hannah's bed and Ben is above them on the bunk. All dreaming happy dreams of being together.

Tomorrow our plan is to go apple picking in Julian!

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