Tuesday, July 03, 2007


While Hannah and Noah were napping, Ben was exploring. He was outside for a time when he came to me with his eyes bright with excitement telling me to "come on". So I followed him outside because I was excited to see what he wanted to show me. He took me to our mock butterfly cage where I could see a butterfly fluttering around inside. We had just checked it, not an hour before, and the chrysallis was not doing anything. It did look like it was getting ready, because the colors of the monarch butterfly inside were getting darker and looked more like the designs on butterfly wings. This was thrilling to see.

He wanted to keep the butterfly until Hannah and Noah woke up but that could've ended up being hours. I persuaded him to open the box and let the butterfly out. He did and the butterfly climbed onto his hand for a minute or two before trying his wings out and flying up to hang out in a tree. Later on this afternoon, I saw the monarch butterfly again just flying over the house to the back yard. It was very cool... Now we wait for Hannah's chrysallis to open up...

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