Friday, April 18, 2008


Ben and Hannah have been so interested in learning how to knit and sew. I finally found a class where they can learn how to knit (not from me-I'm a b e g i n n e r). They started taking a class once a week at a local store with other kids. The teacher is awesome and so good with them. She had Ben start with a nifty knitter. The class makes little hats for preemie newborns who are in the hospital. He is so good at it the teacher commented that she has never had a student finish a hat in two classes. She thinks he'll finish it next time. Hannah got to start with finger knitting and show her that she knew how to do it. Today she started with 4 finger knitting and she'll be able to move to a nifty knitter next week. Ben and Hannah were a little nervous about the class at first (this is week 3), but then they got the groove of the class and love it. They can't wait to go next week.

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