Wednesday, June 11, 2008


Ben is totally into learning about earthquakes, volcanoes and the solar system these days. We went to the library yesterday, I got them some library cards and they were great in the library. I guess that was what was needed. It's been a LONG time since I've taken them to the library. So they chose all the books that they could carry in their bags and they could check them out on their own cards...good deal! Ben checked a lot of books on volcanoes, earthquakes and the solar system. He's also got a couple of Christmas books in there and a few funny ones we read in the library. Hannah picked out all of the board books and she really wants to learn how to read them, and some of them she can! Noah didn't pick any out but Hannah and Ben picked some out that he'll like.

Daddy made a comment about Ben was being safe by having a flashlight under his pillow in case there was an earthquake. Now Ben thinks that we are all going to fall into a hole. So we are learning all we can about earthquakes and volcanoes but it is still pretty puzzling. We will get to the bottom of this though. 

We went to the park last night with some good friends (who are leaving the state in less than 3 weeks, booo hooo waaaahh) and as we were leaving Ben wanted me to make sure that they knew what to do in an earthquake situation. He is very concerned since it is all new to him. He really wants everyone to know how to be safe in this type of emergency situation. So don't be surprised if he brings it up with you :) or your kids. We'll be putting emergency kits together soon...maybe this weekend.

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