Monday, March 03, 2008

Nothing day...

Today we didn't go anywhere. We stayed at home and really didn't do anything. I call this a nothing day. We didn't just sit and do nothing, but we didn't go anywhere exciting. We need these days every once in a while, especially if we have been really busy or we will be having some busy days ahead of us. It was fun. We surveyed the garden and watered it a bit, pulled some weeds, pruned some plants. Then the kids decided that they wanted to play on their own, so they did. At some point last week we cleaned out the playhouse, there was so much mud, dying flowers (from making pies and soups) and dirt inside that we had to do something about it. Now all they want to do is play in the playhouse again. They watched a bit of TV here and there but most of the morning was spent in the back yard.

I often wonder if they need to rest on our nothing days, but they do. I don't skip it because they have been active. Noah always falls asleep for his nap. Ben and Hannah don't usually nap anymore, they do have rest or quiet time. The afternoon was busy with my and Ben going to our classes and the regular evening and night-time routine.

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